15/02/2015 GLM released

GLM release note (hotfix)
  • Fixed Android doesn't have C++ 11 STL #284
GLM release note
  • Added display of GLM version with other GLM_MESSAGES
  • Added ARM instruction set detection
  • Removed assert for perspective with zFar < zNear #298
  • Added Visual Studio natvis support for vec1, quat and dualqual types
  • Cleaned up C++11 feature detections
  • Clarify GLM licensing
  • Fixed faceforward build #289
  • Fixed conflict with Xlib #define True 1 #293
  • Fixed decompose function VS2010 templating issues #294
  • Fixed mat4x3 = mat2x3 * mat4x2 operator #297
  • Fixed warnings in F2x11_1x10 packing function in GTC_packing #295
  • Fixed Visual Studio natvis support for vec4 #288
  • Fixed GTC_packing *pack*norm*x* build and added tests #292
  • Disabled GTX_scalar_multiplication for GCC, failing to build tests #242
  • Fixed Visual C++ 2015 constexpr errors: Disabled only partial support
  • Fixed functions not inlined with Clang #302
  • Fixed memory corruption (undefined behaviour) #303
Redefining the shading languages ecosystem with SPIR-V >
< Better array 'countof' implementation with C++ 11 (updated)
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