03/04/2010 GLM 0.9 Beta 1 released

A new development version of GLM 0.9 is available.

This version is based on GLSL 4.0 and supports the new common and integer functions. Also a long and frequently asked feature has been implemented: inplicit conversions. However, the rules defining implicit conversions by GLSL 4.0 are quite weaked and can't really be apply in C++.

Reaching the beta status, this new features close the feature list of GLM 0.9. Further development releases may happen before the final release.

The development of GLM 0.9 has took longer than what I was expecting. I really hope the final release will be done by the end of May. After that, I am going to use Git as new version control system which should make the work a lot easier to manage maintenance and experimental features. For example, in GLM 0.9, there is a lot of code for SSE optimization which is included but unactive. I'm really look forward to this transition!

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